Overview of Jaundice
Jaundice Meaning in Urdu
یرقان ایک ایسی بیماری ہے جو کہ جِلد اور آنکھوں کو متاثر کرتی ہے۔ اس بیماری کی وجہ سے آنکھوں کی سفیدی اور جِلد کا رنگ پیلا ہونا شروع ہو جاتا ہے۔ جب جگر مؤثر طریقے سے کام نہیں کرتا تو اس کی وجہ سے ببنے والا بلی ریوبن خون میں شامل ہونا شروع ہو جاتا ہے۔ یرقان کی وجہ سے بخار، سردی، پیٹ درد، اور پیشاب کے کالے پن کا سامنا کرنا پڑ سکتا ہے۔ یہ بیماری چوں کہ جگر کی خرابی کی وجہ سے لاحق ہوتی ہے اس لیے کچھ حفاظتی اقدامات کی مدد سے اس سے بچا جا سکتا ہے۔
Jaundice (یرقان/Yarkan) is a condition associated with yellow discolouration of the skin and the whites of eyes. It is not a disease itself but a symptom of other underlying diseases. It occurs due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the liver. It is also known as yellow fever. Bilirubin is a waste product produced by the breakdown of red blood cells (RBCs). In low amounts, it causes yellowing while in high amounts it causes brown discolouration. Normally, bilirubin enters the liver and leaves the body along with other chemical substances in bile juice. Due to bilirubin, the feces appear brown in colour.
However, if bilirubin doesn’t excrete from the body, it starts to leak into the surrounding tissues. This causes the yellowing of the skin and eye whites.
Signs and Symptoms of Jaundice
Sometimes, jaundice is asymptomatic but if it is the symptom of an underlying disease or infection following symptoms may appear in adults:
- Yellowish discolouration of the skin and eye whites
- Dark urine
- Fatty stool
- Skin itching
- Fever
- Abdominal pain
- Chills
However, in children symptoms of jaundice may include yellowish or greenish discolouration of teeth.
If jaundice is due to biliary tract cancers, abdominal pain is the most common symptom. If it is not the symptom of infection, people experience weight loss and skin itching. When jaundice is caused by liver damage, the following symptoms may appear:
- Polyarthralgias (inflammation of the joints)
- Chronic hepatitis or inflammation of the liver
- Acute hepatitis A, B or C
- Pyoderma gangrenosum (a type of skin disease)
Types of Jaundice
Jaundice can be classified into three main types based on its location within the liver:
- Hepatocellular Jaundice: It occurs due to liver damage or injury.
- Hemolytic Jaundice: Hemolytic jaundice occurs due to the breakdown of large amounts of red blood cells that results in hemolytic anaemia.
- Obstructive Jaundice: Obstructive jaundice occurs due to the blockage of bile ducts. Obstruction of the bile duct prevents the release of bilirubin from the liver.
- Neonatal Jaundice: Jaundice in newborn babies is called neonatal jaundice. Jaundice is most common in newborn babies, particularly in premature babies. It occurs due to excess bilirubin because the baby's liver is not fully developed. This condition is termed breast milk jaundice. In babies, jaundice is recovered on its own after some time when their liver is fully developed.
Causes of Jaundice
Old RBCs are destined to be destroyed in the liver, as a result of which bilirubin is formed. These RBCs travel to the liver and break down into bilirubin that is yellow in colour. After that, bilirubin enters the intestine and leaves the body along with the stool. If the liver is damaged bilirubin accumulates in the body and causes jaundice.
In adults, jaundice can be the indication of:
- Alcohol misuse
- Liver cancer
- Cirrhosis (scarring of the liver, usually due to alcohol)
- Thalassemia
- Gallstones (cholesterol stones made of hardened fat material or pigment stones made of bilirubin)
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis D
- Hepatitis E
- Biliary (bile duct) obstruction
- Pancreatic cancer
- G6PD deficiency
- Sickle cell anemia
- ABO incompatibility reaction
- Acute pancreatitis
- Yellow fever
- Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia
- Hemolytic anemia (a condition in which the number of RBCs is decreased)

Risk Factors of Jaundice
Jaundice is often caused by many underlying illnesses. It can occur either due to excessive production of bilirubin or the inability of the liver to get rid of it. This results in bilirubin accumulation in tissues. Underlying illnesses may include:
- Acute Inflammation of the Liver: This affects the liver’s ability to conjugate and release bilirubin, resulting in accumulation in the body.
- Inflammation of the Bile Duct: If bile ducts are inflamed, bile cannot be released that preventing bilirubin release. It results in jaundice.
- Obstruction of the Bile Duct: It also prevents the release of bilirubin.
- Gilbert’s Syndrome: It is a genetic problem that impairs the enzyme's ability to process the secretion of bile.
- Hemolytic Anemia: Hemolytic anaemia is the breakdown of a large number of red blood cells that results in hemolytic anaemia. It causes an increase in bilirubin concentration, hence jaundice.
- Cholestasis: Cholestasis is a liver disease in which the release of bile from the liver is blocked. Bilirubin remains in the liver and is not excreted resulting in jaundice.
Some less common conditions that can cause jaundice may include:
- Dubin-Johnson Syndrome-Chronic jaundice that inhibits the release of conjugated bilirubin
- Crigler-Najjar Syndrome-Inherited disease that impairs the processing of bilirubin.
- Pseudojaundice: This is a condition in which yellowing of skin occurs due to excessive amounts of beta-carotene, not bilirubin. It mostly occurs due to consuming large quantities of carrots or melons.
Health-Related Complications of Jaundice
Sometimes itching due to jaundice can be so intense that it leads to:
- Scratching of raw skin
- Insomnia
- In extreme cases thoughts of suicide
Jaundice is often caused by many underlying illnesses. It can occur either due to excessive production of bilirubin or the inability of the liver to get rid of it. This results in bilirubin accumulation in tissues. Underlying illnesses may include:
- Acute Inflammation of the Liver: This affects the liver’s ability to conjugate and release bilirubin, resulting in accumulation in the body.
- Inflammation of the Bile Duct: If bile ducts are inflamed, bile cannot be released that preventing bilirubin release. It results in jaundice.
- Obstruction of the Bile Duct: It also prevents the release of bilirubin.
- Gilbert’s Syndrome: It is a genetic problem that impairs the enzyme's ability to process the secretion of bile.
- Hemolytic Anemia: Hemolytic anaemia is the breakdown of a large number of red blood cells that results in hemolytic anaemia. It causes an increase in bilirubin concentration, hence jaundice.
- Cholestasis: Cholestasis is a liver disease in which the release of bile from the liver is blocked. Bilirubin remains in the liver and is not excreted resulting in jaundice.
Some less common conditions that can cause jaundice may include:
- Dubin-Johnson Syndrome-Chronic jaundice that inhibits the release of conjugated bilirubin
- Crigler-Najjar Syndrome-Inherited disease that impairs the processing of bilirubin.
- Pseudojaundice: This is a condition in which yellowing of skin occurs due to excessive amounts of beta-carotene, not bilirubin. It mostly occurs due to consuming large quantities of carrots or melons.
Health-Related Complications of Jaundice
Sometimes itching due to jaundice can be so intense that it leads to:
- Scratching of raw skin
- Insomnia
- In extreme cases thoughts of suicide

Jaundice is a disease that has numerous causes. Some general preventive tips for jaundice are as follows:
- Avoid heavy alcohol drinking
- Update your vaccination for other types of Hepatitis such as A and B
- Remember to make healthy lifestyle choices
- Refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse
- Avoid intravenous drugs
- Check your cholesterol level
- Make sure to maintain personal hygiene

For the diagnosis of jaundice, doctors mostly inquire about the history of patients, symptoms and then perform a physical examination. In physical examination, the firmness of the liver is checked. A firm liver can be the indication of cirrhosis-scarring or inflammation of the liver.
Jaundice can be confirmed by various diagnostic tests. The first test is a liver function test that is performed to check the functionality of the liver. If the exact cause of jaundice can’t be found, the following blood tests are performed to check the level of bilirubin.
- Bilirubin Tests: This test is performed to compare the level of unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin. If the level of unconjugated bilirubin is high as compared to conjugated, it indicates hemolytic jaundice.
- Complete Blood Count (CBC): This test is performed to measure the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
- Hepatitis A, B, and C Tests: An antibody test is performed to check the antibodies for hepatitis virus in the blood of patients.
- Imaging Tests: If the doctor suspects an obstruction in the liver, imaging tests such as MRI Scan, CT Scan, or ultrasound scans are performed. Other options include:
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
- Endoscopy
- X-ray imaging
- Liver Biopsy: A liver biopsy is performed to check for
- Inflammation
- Cirrhosis
- Cancer
- Fatty liver
In this test, a small portion of liver tissues is removed and observed under a microscope to check for any changes in the liver structure.
Treatment of Jaundice | When to Consult a Doctor
Treatment of jaundice depends on the underlying illness.
The following treatments can be used:
- Hemolytic Jaundice can be treated by increasing the level of iron in the blood. It can be done by adding iron rich foods to regular meals or taking iron supplements.
- Hepatitis-induced jaundice can be treated by antiviral or steroid drugs.
- Obstruction-Induced Jaundice surgery is required.
- If jaundice is caused by medication, alternative medicines are opted for treatment.
If you experience severe symptoms of jaundice seek immediate medical care.
Doctors to treat Jaundice in Pakistan
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Lahore
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Kasur
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Swabi
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Jhang
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Attock
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Karachi
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Islamabad
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Multan
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Rawalpindi
- Doctors to treat Jaundice in Peshawar
Speciality for Jaundice
Hospitals to Treat Jaundice in Pakistan
- Homeopathic Doctor Hospitals in Lahore
- Homeopathic Doctor Hospitals in Karachi
- Homeopathic Doctor Hospitals in Islamabad
- Homeopathic Doctor Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- General Physician Hospitals in Lahore
- General Physician Hospitals in Karachi
- General Physician Hospitals in Islamabad
- General Physician Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- Medical Specialist Hospitals in Lahore
- Medical Specialist Hospitals in Karachi
- Medical Specialist Hospitals in Islamabad
- Medical Specialist Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- Hepatologist Hospitals in Lahore
- Hepatologist Hospitals in Karachi
- Hepatologist Hospitals in Islamabad
- Hepatologist Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- Internal Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Lahore
- Internal Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Karachi
- Internal Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Islamabad
- Internal Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- Alternative Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Lahore
- Alternative Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Karachi
- Alternative Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Islamabad
- Family Physician Hospitals in Lahore
- Family Physician Hospitals in Karachi
- Family Physician Hospitals in Islamabad
- Family Physician Hospitals in Rawalpindi