Overview of Ulcer
Ulcer Meaning in Urdu
السر معدے کا ایک مرض ہے جو ہر سال لاکھوں لوگوں کو متاثر کرتا ہے۔ السر کا مرض لاحق ہونے کی صورت میں معدے کی جھلی یا چھوٹی آنت کے اوپر والے حصے میں زخم ہو جاتے ہیں۔ جب معدے میں ضرورت سے زائد ایسڈ بننا شروع ہو جائے تو السر کے خطرات بڑھ جاتے ہیں اور یہ ایسڈ غذا کی نالی میں بھی وآپس آ سکتا ہے۔ السر کی وجہ سے بے چینی اور جلن کے ساتھ تکلیف کا بھی سامنا کرنا پڑ سکتا ہے، جب کہ کچھ لوگوں میں السر کی وجہ سے اندرونی اعضاء سے خون بھی بہنے لگتا ہے۔
Ulcer (السر) or peptic ulcer is a fairly common health condition in which sores develop on either the stomach lining or the duodenum. An ulcer is basically the discontinuity and the breakage in the membrane of our body, thus affecting our normal functions. An ulcer is formed in our body when the digestive tract is damaged by stomach acid. Most ulcers are located in the small intestine and are called duodenal ulcers. The ulcers in the stomach are called gastric ulcers. In the throat, these ulcers are called oesophagal ulcers.
Signs and Symptoms of Ulcer
Common symptoms of the ulcers include:
- Discomfort while taking meals or especially at night
- Discomfort while eating or drinking anything
- Discomfort
- Feeling full fast
- Bloating
- Dull pain or burning in the stomach
- Keep waking up at night due to stomach pain
- Heartburn
- Intolerance of fatty foods
If the ulcer becomes torn or perforated, it can turn into a bleeding ulcer. If this happens, the symptoms would be:
Types of Ulcer
Depending upon the location of the ulcers in the body, it is divided into the following types.
- Bedsores or Pressure Ulcers
- Corneal Ulcer - It is an infectious and an inflammatory condition that occurs in the cornea
- Diabetic Foot Ulcer - It is a major health complication in case of the diabetic foot
- Mouth Ulcer - It is an open and painful sore inside of the mouth
- Stomach or Peptic Ulcer - It is a sore on the stomach lining
- Genital Ulcer - This type of ulcer occurs in the genital area of our body
- Venous Ulcer - Due to poor functioning of the valves of the veins a wound would occur in that area
- Ulcerative Dermatitis - It is a form of ulcer and skin disorder due to the growth of bacteria
Causes of Ulcer
A person would suffer from an ulcer when the stomach acid damages the wall of the stomach or the intestine. When the stomach produces too much acid or when the mucus layer becomes too thin, our gut would feel it.
Following are the three major causes of the ulcer:
- Bacteria - Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) is normally present in half of the population. But not everyone infected with it suffers from an ulcer. However, others can raise the amount of the acid, irritate the digestive tract or break down the protective layer of the mucus. The mode of transmission of H.pylori is still not sure. But, experts say that this infection can spread from kissing, close contact, unclean food, or water.
- Pain Relief Medication - Certain pain relievers such as aspirin, if taken for a long time can cause peptic ulcers. NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen or ibuprofen can also cause ulcers. NSAIDs block the function of your body in forming the protective layer of the inner wall of your stomach and intestine. These protective layers are important in protecting the stomach and intestine from the stomach acid and intestine acid.
- Drinking Alcohol and Smoking - If you are smoking and drinking alcohol, you are more likely to suffer from ulcers.

Risk Factors of Ulcer
While spicy foods and stress can trigger worsening your ulcer. But, these won’t increase your risk of suffering from ulcers. Here are a few things that increase your risk are:
Pain relievers - Such as NSAIDs, aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. Your risk for suffering from an ulcer would increase if you are taking any of these medications and if:
- You are over 65 years of age
- Taking more than one NSAID at one time
- Infection due to Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)
- Had a peptic ulcer in the past
- You are taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
While spicy foods and stress can trigger worsening your ulcer. But, these won’t increase your risk of suffering from ulcers. Here are a few things that increase your risk are:
Pain relievers - Such as NSAIDs, aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. Your risk for suffering from an ulcer would increase if you are taking any of these medications and if:
- You are over 65 years of age
- Taking more than one NSAID at one time
- Infection due to Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)
- Had a peptic ulcer in the past
- You are taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)

To prevent the spread or transmission of the bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers, you need to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. Make sure to properly clean and thoroughly cook the food.
In order to prevent the ulcers that are caused by the NSAIDs, you need to either limit or reduce the use of these medications. If, however, you need to take the NSAIDs, make sure to follow the recommended dose. You need to take medications with plenty of water and food. Last, but not least, you need to manage your stress and avoid smoking to reduce your risk of ulcers.

Your doctor will first inquire about your symptoms, and medical history, also if you have taken any medication or other drugs such as NSAIDs or others. The doctor will also inquire about the bloating in the belly or pain. This would be enough for the diagnosis.
For the confirmed diagnosis, your doctor would recommend diagnostic tests such as X-rays, biopsy, and endoscopy tests. In the endoscopy test, a thin tube is allowed to pass into the stomach and intestine via the throat. A small camera is attached at the end of the tube in order to check the ulcers. The doctor would also recommend a breath, stool test for H.pylori, and blood test to screen for the H.pylori bacteria.
Treatment of Ulcer | When to Consult a Doctor
Treatment of the ulcer varies depending upon the type and cause of your ulcer. Mostly, ulcers can be treated with medication, but in rare cases, surgery may also be required. So, it is important to properly talk with your doctor and prepare a customised treatment plan.
Non-Surgical Treatment
Some ulcers heal on their own. But, in general cases, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics in case of an ulcer due to H.pylori bacteria infection. It would be a course of 2-3 weeks. You might also have to undergo triple therapy. It is a combination of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and 2 antibiotics. Your doctor may also recommend some medications to reduce the stomach acids for up to 8 weeks.
There are other medications which are given to treat ulcers. PPIs and H2 blockers are responsible for reducing the amount of stomach acid. For temporary relief, over-the-counter medication, or antacid can help you. You need to avoid alcohol and smoking as it makes the situation worse.
Some of the common side effects of the ulcer medication are nausea, headaches, abdominal pain, dizziness and diarrhoea. These are temporary side effects and if these side effects become severe and cause extreme discomfort, you need to talk to your doctor. If anti-inflammatory or aspirin medication irritates your stomach, your doctor may suggest you take misoprostol.
Surgical Treatment
Without getting proper treatment, ulcers get worse. In severe cases, you may also have to undergo surgery. Surgical treatment is recommended when the ulcers:
- bleed
- don’t heal
- continue to return
- tear through stomach
- keep food from flowing out of the stomach and into the small intestine
The surgical methods may include:
- Removing the entire ulcer
- Tying the bleeding artery
- Patching the tissue on the site of the ulcer from any other part of the intestine
- Cutting the nerve supply, in order to reduce the production of acid in the stomach
Healthy Diet
In the past, people used to believe that food can cause or cure ulcers. This is not completely true. But, eating a healthy diet is beneficial for your overall health. Healthy food consists of a diet that has a good amount of vegetables, fibres and fruits.
Research shows that some food products are also responsible for treating and eliminating H.pylori bacteria infection. Such food includes:
- Green leafy vegetables (kale and spinach)
- Fruits such as apples, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries
- Radishes, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli
- Foods rich in probiotics such as miso, yoghurt, kombucha, sauerkraut
People suffering from ulcers may also face acid reflux disease. Therefore, you also need to avoid spicy foods as they hinder the healing of ulcers.
(Note: Take medication only after doctor’s prescription)
In case of any concerning signs and symptoms, you need to visit a certified gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
Doctors to treat Ulcer in Pakistan
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Lahore
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Kasur
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Swabi
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Jhang
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Attock
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Karachi
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Islamabad
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Multan
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Rawalpindi
- Doctors to treat Ulcer in Peshawar
Speciality for Ulcer
Hospitals to Treat Ulcer in Pakistan
- Gastroenterologist Hospitals in Lahore
- Gastroenterologist Hospitals in Karachi
- Gastroenterologist Hospitals in Islamabad
- Gastroenterologist Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- General Surgeon Hospitals in Lahore
- General Surgeon Hospitals in Karachi
- General Surgeon Hospitals in Islamabad
- General Surgeon Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- Laparoscopic Surgeon Hospitals in Lahore
- Laparoscopic Surgeon Hospitals in Karachi
- Laparoscopic Surgeon Hospitals in Islamabad
- Laparoscopic Surgeon Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- General Physician Hospitals in Lahore
- General Physician Hospitals in Karachi
- General Physician Hospitals in Islamabad
- General Physician Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- Medical Specialist Hospitals in Lahore
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- Medical Specialist Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- Internal Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Lahore
- Internal Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Karachi
- Internal Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Islamabad
- Internal Medicine Specialist Hospitals in Rawalpindi
- Pediatric Gastroenterologist Hospitals in Lahore
- Pediatric Gastroenterologist Hospitals in Karachi
- Pediatric Gastroenterologist Hospitals in Islamabad
- Family Physician Hospitals in Lahore
- Family Physician Hospitals in Karachi
- Family Physician Hospitals in Islamabad
- Family Physician Hospitals in Rawalpindi