Urethral Stricture
Overview of Urethral Stricture
Urethral Stricture Meaning in Urdu
اس بیماری کی وجہ سے پیشاب کی نالی سکڑ جاتی ہے۔ جب پیشاب کی نالی سکڑ تی ہے تو سوزش یا انفیکشن کے خطرات بڑھ جاتے ہیں۔ جب پیشاب کی نالی سکڑ جاتی ہے تو پھر بار بار پیشاب کرنے کی ضرورت محسوس ہو سکتی ہے اور اس بات کے خطرات بھی موجود ہوتے ہیں کہ پیشاب کرتے وقت مثانہ مکمل طور پر خالی نہ ہو۔ اس بیماری کی بنیادی وجوہات میں ریڈی ایشن تھراپی، جنسی عمل کے دوران منتقل ہونے والی بیماریاں، پروسٹیٹ کا کینسر، اور جسم کے نچلے حصے کی چوٹ شامل ہے۔
Urethral stricture is when the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body, becomes narrowed or obstructed. This condition can cause various symptoms, including difficulty urinating, pain during urination, and urinary tract infections.
Signs and Symptoms of Urethral Stricture
Symptoms of urethral stricture can vary depending on the severity of the condition but may include:
- Difficulty urinating
- Decreased urine flow
- Pain or burning during urination
- Urinary tract infections
- Blood in the urine
- Urinary retention
- Urinary Incontinence
Types of Urethral Stricture
Causes of Urethral Stricture
Urethral stricture can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
- Injury: Trauma to the urethra, such as a pelvic fracture or a catheter insertion, can cause scarring and narrowing.
- Infection: Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea or chlamydia can cause urethral inflammation and scarring.
- Medical procedures: Repeated urethral instrumentation, such as catheterization, can cause scarring and narrowing.
- Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy to the pelvic area can cause scarring and narrowing of the urethra.
- Idiopathic: In some cases, the cause of urethral stricture is unknown.

Risk Factors of Urethral Stricture

Preventing urethral stricture involves avoiding behaviors that can damage the urethra, such as unprotected sex, or repeated instrumentation of the urethra. If you have a medical condition that requires catheterization or other urethral procedures, it is important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions and maintain good hygiene to reduce the risk of infection and scarring.

Diagnosis of urethral stricture usually involves a physical exam, medical history, and diagnostic tests such as urethroscopy, ultrasound, or retrograde urethrogram. These tests help determine the location and severity of the stricture.
In more severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the narrowed area of the urethra and reestablish normal urine flow. Surgery may involve open surgery or minimally invasive procedures such as urethroplasty, which uses tissue from other body parts to reconstruct the urethra.
Treatment of Urethral Stricture | When to Consult a Doctor
Treatment for urethral stricture depends on the severity of the condition. In some cases, urethral dilation, in which a tube is inserted into the urethra to widen the narrowed area, may be sufficient to treat the stricture.
Urethral stricture is a condition in which the urethra becomes narrowed or obstructed, causing difficulty urinating and other symptoms. It can be caused by injury, infection, medical procedures, radiation therapy, or unknown factors.
Treatment for urethral stricture depends on the severity of the condition and may involve urethral dilation or surgery.
Preventing urethral stricture involves avoiding behaviors that can damage the urethra and following your urologist's instructions for urethral procedures.
Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Pakistan
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Lahore
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Karachi
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Islamabad
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Multan
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Rawalpindi
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Peshawar
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Faisalabad
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Bahawalpur
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Abbottabad
- Doctors to treat Urethral Stricture in Hyderabad