Artificial Rains for Smog Control - A High-Risk Mechanism


by Hamna Bano

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reduce smog has detrimental effects on the province of Punjab. There is a huge risk of uncontrolled flooding to be witnessed in the urban areas of Punjab.


The details reveal that the ministry of climate change is attempting to know the amount required of artificial rains to prevent smog. A study is still in the work to find the needed quantity of rain. It is expected that the study will be completed in 2022. The early results have shown that this needs to be a little aligned with nature to bring it into use.

Artificial rain is induced by cloud seeding, though there is no scientific way discovered till now that can control that rain. If the never stops then it will result in uncontrolled flooding that will end up in catastrophic consequences and situations.

The initial assessment of the artificial rains also indicated Turkey’s experience with the rains. This was the one to control the fast spread of fires. Contacts were made with the ministry of Turkey by the officials which exposed that cloud seeding was used to induce artificial rains. Afterward, they had no way to stop the rain. Heavy flooding was then witnessed which killed 10 people which was far more than the ones that the fire killed.

The climate change ministry has been pondering on the use of artificial rains to lessen the severe air pollution in Punjab, especially Lahore. The execution is still questionable as there is no mechanism to stop the rain.

Malik Amin Aslam who is the Climate Change Special Assistant to the PM said, “The artificial rain also carries risks of flooding so we will complete our homework before adopting this technology. We are also carefully examining the experiences of Dubai and Turkey that have recently used cloud seeding technology to bring artificial rains.”